
Monday, May 26, 2014

Acrylic 3D: Baby Pink And Silver

As I will leave mexico upcoming Tuesday I offered to do my friends' nails if anyone wanted to. So last friday I did Karla's nails as she passed all of her exams and would graduate this semester. She told me that she would love for me to do an enhancement for her as she would have a graduation ball next Friday. 

At first her dress was going to be turquoise, but she changed it last minute to a pink dress. Since I didn't have any pinks I decided to custom make the color for her to match the dress below. Since I had to mix this based on the picture I showed her the mixture as if I were to apply it to double check it was the correct color. 

Products used:

  • Pink mix: red, metallic pearl, ultra white, neon pink, yellow
  • Pink
  • Delight (Euphoria collection)
  • Ultra white

All products are from Organic Nails unless otherwise stated

I hope you guys like this simple look as much as I, my friend and her mom do. Until next time.

Xoxo Wyoni 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Acrylic Color block: Purple, Turquoise and Glitter

So the nail design I showed you in the last post really had to go as I sadly broke one nail and had to do a refill as well. Was sad about it at first as I really liked the gradient, but I have so many colors that the sadness went away quickly. The number one problem I always have when needing a new set is…what design will I put now and more specifically with which colors. The more options the more difficult to choose. 

Since I didn't know what most of my colors looked like, I decided to first swatch all of them on these nail wheels. To make it more easier for future reference I decided to split them into groups (collections, original colors, and a wheel with self made mixes. And then I still couldn't choose so I asked my roommate which ones she liked after I told her I would use at least two colors. She chose turquoise and purple, but I felt like those needed something else (perhaps some glitter ^_^). I quickly grabbed two glitters and came up with a design for each nail to keep me focused. 

Products used:
  • Turquoise (organicolor)
  • Purple (organicolor)
  • Delight (euphoria collection)
  • Rock star (glitter)
  • Petal (bride collection)
  • Clear acrylic

All products are from Organic Nails unless stated otherwise 

This week I will have my first client since taking the nail course, can't wait to show you the results.

Until then xoxo,


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Acrylic Glitter Gradient : Water & Ice

During my nail course I had to do gradients with glitter and had two nail designs that I really liked. So when it was time for me to do my nails again I decided to just combine them and this was the result. 

Products used for this look:
  • Petal (Bride collection)
  • Nirvana (Euphoria collection)
  • Jollity (Euphoria collection)
  • Delight (Euphoria collection)
  • Dinner (glitter)
  • Clear acrylic
  • Holographic glitters

All products are from Organic Nails unless otherwise stated

I was going to use fruit fimo instead of the holographic glitters to give the illusion of cocktails, but the store was out of those at that time.

I really love this look and happy that I decided to do the design like this though. The new reverse technique is something I have to get use to though so it took me way longer than usuall to do my nails. I guess practice makes perfect huh. I do understand why this technique is preferred over the classic one especially when working with glitters. You get way cleaner lines with reverse application. 

My new goal will be to conquer this technique and sculpting as almost no one from back home does this.

Xoxo Wyoni

Qualified Nail Technician ^_^

So I haven't been looking at this blog since god knows when, well at least since before I came to Mexico for my exchange semester. I thought about talking about my experiences here in Mexico but decided not to as those stories would not fit on this blog. Since I had not brought my nail equipment with me I figured I would just do my nails at salons here. Uf how I was wrong as there are almost no salons here that do nail enhancements and the one that did took way too long and made my nails way too thin (resulting in one breaking within two days after the appointment). The price is not the issue trust me, I just don't want to deal with all of that after I sat in a chair for four (!) hours. I would just do them myself next time even though I would have to find everything here in Monterrey again.

However when I went to Cancun I found this salon that looked very good and seemed to using quality stuff. The girl that did my nails seemed passionate about her work and never even talked with her colleagues while doing my nails. The quality was so good that we have her a very nice tip. Since they didn't have a salon in Monterrey I started asking her about the brand that they used and she told me where to buy it. Turned out that the distributor also had a store in Monterrey. Problem solved ^_^ yay

When I found the store the staff told me that the courses were free if you bought the equipment. Since I never got an official training on how to do other peoples' nails I decided to go for it. Three days of four hour classes back to back learning the basics and something I had seen before, the "reverse application". My teacher was very surprised about my level especially how I had never taken a course #doeshappydance

So when I'll return I will start taking clients so book your appointments now hahaha

Xoxo Wyoni